朱に交われば赤くなる Shu ni majiwareba akaku naru.

  • 解釈:人は付き合う友人の感化を受けるようになること。
  • Literal:It reddens if intersecting as the vermillion.
  • Interpretation:One rotten apple spoils the barrel. He who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith. Example that the person is good or bad by partner and environment about. It reddens if intersecting as the vermillion. One rotten apple spoils the barrel.
  • 類義:墨に近付けば必ず緇(くろ)く、朱に近付けば必ず赤し。血に混じれば赤くなる。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.